Die ZIFFEREINS Gruppe wächst durch Charaktere, die einbringen, was sie richtig gut beherrschen. Und es mit Power ausbauen. Hier gibt es einen Einblick in unsere feste Crew:

Thomas L. Rödding
Thomas L. Rödding

Thomas L. Rödding

Self-made pragmatist • trailblazing digitalist • transparency enthusiast

At 15, Thomas was already a freelancer, learning “digitisation" since Steve Jobs' Apple II Europlus (1978). A degree was too much theory for the doer. When he graduated from high school, he founded his first company, which he sold to a DAX-listed company at the age of 37. To this day, Thomas can't live without crazy ideas. Preferably ones that change the world for good. He leads the ZIFFEREINS Group – with speed, heart and an incredible sense of purpose.

Dr. Inga Ellen Kastens
Dr. Inga Ellen Kastens

Dr. Inga Ellen Kastens

Brand Whisperer • cognition professional • discharger of pigeonholing

Inga likes to tear down boundaries that theory once set but practice can no longer use. She likes to make good business models come alive in people's minds through strong brands. She speaks convincingly about language, even though discourse analytics and semantics are the home disciplines of the humanities and cultural studies scholar. Inga is always on the lookout for appropriate conditions. The attentive observer therefore will see her again and again on a journalistic assignment in the broad field of agriculture.

Daniel Vogelpohl
Daniel Vogelpohl

Daniel Vogelpohl

Creative entrepreneurial head • project manager with nerves of steel • combines TV & forest

You can still see Daniel ‘Zetti’ in your mind in the midst of Hamburg’s creative scene. Fortunately, he is now with us and manages projects and processes for our international customers and partners. We are especially grateful for his self-taught ability to bring the most complicated technology closer to everyone in a pleasant style that motivates people to use it.

Julius Valentin Nagel
Julius Valentin Nagel

Julius Valentin Nagel

Precise customer magnet • natural talent • explanation pro

Julius is a forester, hunter and nature lover. He also approaches technical questions and their solutions passionately, so that customers and users quickly grasp how to digitally survey a forest or digitally document the origin of a wild boar ‘from shot to the plate’. Julius has mastered the balancing act between digital lab and forest. He is an interpreter between the programmer and the user: He confidently translates technical complexity and sophistication into a language that even people without an IT background can understand.

Christian Beer
Christian Beer

Christian Beer

Chief developer • programming genius • secret rock star

It doesn’t get bigger than this: Christian is a high achiever in programming. His range of programming languages no longer fits into a traditional CV. Christian is not the career type, yet those very people would look at him rather enviously: in his freelance days, he worked for high-calibre companies. But for him, high is great. But it’s not enough. It has to make sense. And that’s what he achieves with his terrific IT thinking and implementation. The only thing he masters just as well is his guitar.

Martin Surholt
Martin Surholt

Martin Surholt

The physicist • quality guarantor • raises NFC to a new level

Do you think that good developers just sit in their offices and fiddle around? Not Martin. Even though we can still picture him working with his THW (Federal Agency for Technical Relief) team in snow disaster prevention, today we appreciate him as a hands-on developer for tamper-proof technology. His favourite at the moment are NFC tags. No unwanted signal transmission escapes his hyper-scrupulous eyes. His former studies in physics still serve him well today, enabling him to implement highly intelligent technology in everyday products and make them talk (to each other).

Paul Wulfers
Paul Wulfers

Paul Wulfers

Forest ecologist goes digital • technology mediator • clever calming influence

Paul goes out. Into the forest, nature and on the road to our customers. His calm, proactive nature makes him the perfect interpreter between people and technology. Paul brings a new definition of pragmatism to our office: he picks up customers where they are. Regardless of how new the technical field is that they are working in with Paul. His penchant for autodidactics puts the wind in his sails: all knowledge is creatively packaged in multimedia to be served in digestible portions.

Jan Munsberg
Jan Munsberg

Jan Munsberg

The Gyro Gearloose from Münster • Fuses IT and machines • Puts IT through its paces

Jan combines three demanding subjects: mechanical engineering, physics and IT. This means he can occupy himself for hours with projects that will leave you flabbergasted when they are completed. Jan joined us right after graduation. He brings product ideas to life in extremely fast, intellectually pragmatic steps.


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